Reference and citations style
Dear All
This is to inform you that from 01 September 2022 we use APA 7th for citations and References style. Meanwhile, the Conclusion part has been removed from the manuscript structure.
The corresponding author assumes responsibility for all correspondence with the journal. When signing the copyright transfer form, the corresponding author is obliged to ensure that all listed authors have provided their consent for the submission and have approved the final version. Once the review process commences, the submitted paper undergoes a screening to identify any potential breaches of standard norms for publishing original research. To this end, all coauthors receive an acknowledgment email and are informed about the submission.
Instances of inappropriate image manipulation, plagiarism, self-plagiarism, or data manipulation will be subject to scrutiny by the editorial board. We maintain stringent regulations concerning animal rights, which necessitates that any invasive sampling, animal manipulation, or sacrifice must be accompanied by the requisite permissions and ethical approvals. These permissions must be submitted along with the manuscript, and the permission number and issuing authority should be explicitly cited in the Materials and Methods section.
Any experiments involving animals must demonstrate ethical acceptability and, where applicable, adhere to national guidelines for the ethical use of animals in research. For additional information, please refer to the journal's guidelines for animal research in accordance with our publication ethics and malpractice statement.
Animal rights policies
cientific Reports in Life Sciences (SRLS) upholds stringent ethical standards and guidelines, requiring authors to adhere to best practices. To maintain these ethical standards, SRLS follows the "Ethical Guidelines for the Use of Animals in Research" outlined by the Norwegian National Committee for Research Ethics in Science and Technology. If an author involves animals in their research, they must present the necessary Ethics Committee approvals and permissions. In the "Materials and Methods" section, authors must cite the approval number and date, as well as clearly state the protocol used, complying with internationally-accepted standards. Failure to provide certificates, permissions, and ethical committee approval may result in manuscript rejection.
Additionally, SRLS follows the "Animal Research: Reporting In Vivo Experiments" (ARRIVE) guidelines, which were developed by the National Centre for the Replacement, Refinement & Reduction of Animals in Research (NC3Rs), alongside the aforementioned Norwegian National Committee for Research Ethics in Science and Technology.
Ethical Guidelines for Human Research
In our commitment to upholding ethical standards in research involving human subjects, we closely adhere to the principles outlined in the "Declaration of Helsinki." This seminal document, developed by the World Medical Association (WMA), serves as a guiding statement of ethical principles for medical research, encompassing investigations on identifiable human materials and data. For more detailed information regarding the Declaration of Helsinki, we encourage you to follow the provided LINK. Additionally, you can access the PDF version of the Declaration of Helsinki by clicking on this LINK.
Authors submitting manuscripts to our journal are required to include a statement confirming that informed consent has been obtained for experiments involving human participants. We emphasize the paramount importance of safeguarding the privacy rights of human participants in all research endeavors. Furthermore, in cases where the use of chemicals, procedures, or equipment presents unusual hazards inherent in their usage, authors must provide clear identification and explanation, accompanied by the necessary legal permissions and ethical certificates.
Editorial Responsibilities and Independence
In the realm of editorial duties and maintaining the highest standards of integrity, Scientific Reports in Life Sciences (SRLS) enforces a thorough and impartial approach. Here is an overview of our editorial processes:
Conflict of Interest (COI) Disclosure
Scientific Reports in Life Sciences (SRLS) places great importance on transparency and ethical integrity, particularly in matters concerning conflicts of interest. Below are our policies related to COI disclosure:
Publication Decision Process
At Scientific Reports in Life Sciences (SRLS), our publication decisions are guided by a comprehensive and thorough process. Here's an overview of how we determine which manuscripts are fit for publication:
Peer-Review Process:
Peer-review process
SRLS employs a double-blind peer-review process, ensuring that both authors and reviewers remain anonymous to each other.
Editors are responsible for assigning submitted papers to external reviewers who have expertise in the field and have published related works.
A minimum of two reviews is required to complete the review process. However, in many instances, SRLS seeks feedback from more than two reviewers to enhance the quality of the manuscript.
Editors will inform the Editor-in-Chief of their decision, which can be one of the following: Acceptance, Acceptance with Minor Changes, Acceptance with Major Changes, or Declined Submission.
The Editor-in-Chief will then communicate this decision, along with the reviewers' comments, to the corresponding author.
Author Responses and Revisions:
The corresponding author is expected to share the editorial decision and reviewers' comments with all co-authors.
The authors must submit a revised version of the manuscript, along with a document labeled 'Response to the Reviewers' Comments,' within the specified timeframe.
Editor's Assessment and Final Decision:
The editor reviews the responses and changes provided by the authors, examining them point by point.
Depending on the revisions, the editor may decide to send the corrected version back to the same reviewers for a final check or involve new reviewers as necessary.
After this thorough review and assessment, the editor makes a final decision on the paper, which can be one of the following: Acceptance, Decline Submission, or Suggesting Further Corrections by the Authors.
Editor-in-Chief's Role:
The Editor-in-Chief assumes the primary responsibility for determining which manuscripts will be published in the journal.
This decision is based on the validation of the research's quality, its significance to researchers and readers, the input from the reviewers, and compliance with legal requirements related to issues like libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism.
The Editor-in-Chief may consult with other editors or reviewers when making this crucial decision.
This comprehensive process ensures that manuscripts selected for publication in SRLS are of the highest quality and adhere to ethical and academic standards.
Guidelines for Reviewers
At Scientific Reports in Life Sciences (SRLS), our review process is founded on a double-blind peer review system, in which the identities of both authors and reviewers are kept confidential. We greatly value the role of our reviewers in ensuring a rigorous and reliable publication process. Here are some key guidelines for our reviewers:
Guidelines for Authors
We encourage authors to familiarize themselves with SRLS's writing rules and author guidelines. We provide a manuscript template that aligns with our journal's accepted formats and standards for easy reference.
Originality and plagiarism
SRLS doesn’t tolerate plagiarism/self-plagiarism in any form, so the first immediate action after receiving a paper will be scanning the MS by suitable plagiarism checkers such as Authors need to ensure that the written text is entirely original, and follows a proper way of citations if they have used the work and/or words of others. Plagiarism is the practice of taking someone else's work or ideas and passing them off as one's own. Based on a definition presented by Oxford University plagiarism is ‘Plagiarism is presenting work or ideas from another source as your own, with or without consent of the original author, by incorporating it into your work without full acknowledgement. All published and unpublished material, whether in manuscript, printed or electronic form, is covered under this definition, as is the use of material generated wholly or in part through the use of artificial intelligence (save when the use of Artificial Intelligence - AI for assessment has received prior authorisation e.g. as a reasonable adjustment for a student’s disability). Plagiarism can also include re-using your own work without citation. Under the regulations for examinations, intentional or reckless plagiarism is a disciplinary offence’. For more information please refer to the Oxford University webpage as follows:
Scientific Reports in Life Sciences follows the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) guidelines. As such, this journal follows the COPE Code of Conduct and Best Practice Guidelines for Journal Editors and the Code of Conduct for Journal Publishers. As SRLS publish papers on medical-related issues as well, it is highly recommended that medical case reports should be consistence with COPE guidance. For access to the PDF version of COPE guidance, in case the provided link doesnt work, please click on this LINK
Copyright transfer and authorship
By signing the copyright transfer form, authors confirm that the submitted paper is an original work and that it has not already been published in another journal, book or webpage (either as a full text or part of it). Meanwhile, the authors confirm that the submitted paper is not under review at the same time by other publication services. All listed authors should make significant contributions to the research work from conception, design, execution, data acquisition, analysis/interpretation of the data, manuscript drafting or critical revision of the draft. The corresponding author confirms that all authors have seen and approved the final version of the paper and they agreed to its submission for publication. Any financial support (including the grant number or other reference number if any) can be mentioned and acknowledged in the "Acknowledgements" section.
Any conflicts of interest that might be construed to influence the results or their interpretation in the manuscript should be expressed and disclosed along with the paper submission.
Peer Review Process
At SRLS, we place a strong emphasis on rigorous and impartial peer review to ensure the quality of manuscripts published in our journals. Here's an overview of our peer review process:
Our peer review process is designed to maintain the integrity of the publication process and ensure that articles published in our journals are of the highest quality and adhere to ethical and academic standards.
Substantial errors in published papers
After publication, in case of finding any substantial error, or misleading findings, the authors are obligated to notify the journal’s editors/editor-in-chief and cooperate with them to correct the paper or retract the paper as a final solution. If the editors or publisher learns from a third party that a published work contains a significant error or inaccuracy, then it is the author’s obligation to promptly correct or retract the paper or provide evidence to the journal editors of the correctness of the paper. Journal editorial board and publisher can remove a paper at any time if they discover plagiarism or fraudulent publication in any time. The same right for any research misconduct or unethical behaviours will be applicable as well.
Copyright and License
As a completely open-access journal, SRLS applies the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) license to the works we publish ( which facilitates open access strategy in publication. Under CC BY license, authors agree to make articles legally available for reuse, without permission or fees, for virtually any purpose. Upon proper citation way, anyone may copy, distribute, or reuse published papers. Authors are permitted and encouraged to post their work online, on social media such as Researchgate, Academia, etc.
ISSN: 2718-1014
Dear All
This is to inform you that from 01 September 2022 we use APA 7th for citations and References style. Meanwhile, the Conclusion part has been removed from the manuscript structure.
The journal is licensed under an Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0).
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ISSN: 2718-1014
Publisher: Biodiversity Conservation Society’s (BCS)