Assessing Nigeria's Efforts in Biodiversity Conservation
Biodiversity, Conservation, Ecosystem, SpeciesAbstract
This paper titled, ‘Assessing Nigeria's Efforts in Biodiversity Conservation’, categorically reviews the initiatives of Nigeria in conserving its biodiversity over the past years. This paper aims to examine the conservation strategies, policies, and frameworks that have been instituted towards the conservation of biodiversity in the country to determine their effectiveness in achieving conservation objectives and also proffer feasible recommendations for enhancing these conservation efforts. To achieve the aim of this research, the study adopted the desk research design. Thus, using secondary data, the paper explores biodiversity conservation in Nigeria in all its dimensions. To that extent, it reviewed existing research works and other secondary data sources such as news reports, government releases, journals, and academic books to reveal that even though biodiversity conservation in Nigeria is a tremendous success, it is still being significantly impacted by some challenges. These conservation challenges highlighted within the study include environmental, socioeconomic, institutional, and even political obstacles. Therefore, the study recommends that to address these difficulties and enhance the biodiversity conservation efforts and outcomes within Nigeria, greater community participation in conservation initiatives should be encouraged, sustainable funding for conservation should be ensured and the capacity of Nigeria’s institutional frameworks should be strengthened.
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