Ecological impact assessment of Parchin-Pasdaran Road on Khojir National Park using Pastakia Matrix
Ecological impact assessment, Environmental statement, Khojir National Park, Pastakia MatrixAbstract
Khojir National Park is situated in eastern Tehran Metropolitan City, within Jajroud Protected Area. Crossing a part of Parchin-Pasdaran Road from the national park makes it necessary to study and identify the road impacts on the wildlife and recommend mitigation strategies. By dewatering Mamlou Dam, a part of the existing Parchin-Pasdaran Road will be sunk. In order to affect a lesser extent of the park, the alternative road should be constructed away from the sensitive habitats and close to the existing road, as much as possible. The current study compared the impacts of both roads on the national park. The Pastakia method was used to predict, assess and compare the impacts caused by the existing and alternative roads. As regards, the obtained results indicated no significant negative impact by the alternative road, so it was preferred to the existing road. In the end, some strategies were suggested to mitigate the significant adverse impacts.
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