The morphology and size of Erythrocytes of six reptiles species from the Syrian coastal region
Erythrocyte, nucleus size, comparative biology, SyriaAbstract
This study aimed to check the erythrocyte and nucleus sizes of six species of reptiles, one species of Agamidae (Laudakia stellio), one species of Testudinidae (Testudo graeca), one species of Chamaeleonidae (Chamaeleo chamaeleon recticrista), and three species of Lacertidae (Ophisops elegans, Lacerta media, Phoenicolacerta laevis) from Coastal region in Syria using blood smears stained with Wright’s stain. The longest, widest and largest erythrocytes and the widest nuclei were found in T. graeca. The shortest and narrowest erythrocytes and nuclei were found in O. elegans. The longest, largest nuclei were found in C. chameleon. The shortest and narrowest nuclei were found in P. laevis.
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