Economic Analysis of Grass Cutter Raised In Captivity in Osun and Oyo ‎State, Nigeria


  • A.A Adewumi Department of Ecotourim and Wildlife Management, Federal University Of Technology, Akure Nigeria Corresponding Author: Dr. Adewumi A A. Department of Wildlife and Ecotourism Management, Osun State University, ‎Osogbo, Nigeria
  • E.O Famubo Department of Wildlife and Ecotourism Management, Osun State University, Osogbo, Nigeria
  • E.E Ofuya Department of Ecotourim and Wildlife Management, Federal University Of Technology, Akure Nigeria
  • M.K.A Wahab Department of Wildlife and Ecotourism Management, Osun State University, Osogbo, Nigeria



Grasscutter, Socio-Economic, profitable, farmers, domestication


Grasscutters (Thryonomys swinderianus) are domesticated for meat, income generation, and ‎other conservational purposes. This study focused on the socio economic characteristics of ‎grasscutters raised in captivity and the profitability of its farming in Osun and Oyo state. Data ‎were collected through direct observation of the farms and the use of structured questionnaire. ‎Three (3) grass cutter farms each were randomly selected in Osun and Oyo state. Data was ‎analyzed using multiple regression analysis. The results shows that majority (74.7%) of the ‎respondents were male and married (66.7%). Ages 31-40 were more involved in the business ‎and religion is not a barrier in raising the animal. Grass cutter farming proved to be a profitable ‎business venture in both states; Oyo state NFI (NET FARM INCOME) = TR-TC which is ‎‎10,291,400 - 2,948,600 = 7,342,800, While in Osun state NFI=TR-TC = 23,205,500-3,264,500. ‎However, low level of veterinary care, high rate of disease infection and marketing of the ‎animals are the major constraint affecting grass cutter business in the study area. The study ‎therefore concluded that grass cutter rearing is a profitable business and recommends that ‎researchers should work more on the diseases affecting the grass cutter and the government ‎should create training programmes for interested grass cutter farmers.‎




How to Cite

Adewumi, A., Famubo, E., Ofuya, E., & Wahab, M. (2021). Economic Analysis of Grass Cutter Raised In Captivity in Osun and Oyo ‎State, Nigeria. Scientific Reports in Life Sciences, 2(3), 1–7.