Antihyperglycemic effect of clove (Syzyium aromaticum) bud powder and hematological examination of rats


  • Syeda Warda Sakhawat University of Agriculture
  • Ali Asghar National Institute of Food, Science and Technology, Faculty of Food, Science and Technology, University of Agriculture Faisalabad.



Hyperglycemia, Hematology, Clove Bud


The modification in lifestyle and dietary patterns can cause chronic health disorders like hyperglycemia, hypercholesterolemia, cardiovascular disease, aging, mental health, and cancer. Hence, the focus of this research is to treat hyperglycemia with the use of clove in diet. An empirical approach is adopted to figure out the effectiveness of clove on serum chemistry and hematology of blood. 4 groups of diabetic mice (4 mice in each group) were supplemented clove (20mg/kg, 40mg/kg, and 60mg/kg body weight respectively) with diet for 21 days. The blood Glucose and hematology were measured on day 1 and day 21. It is found that the dietary supplementation with clove (Moisture content 9.9±1%, Crude Protein 6.69±1%, Crude Fat 16.64±0.1%, Ash 2.9±1 and NFE 42.13±1) significantly reduced the risk of hyperglycemia in mice and 40 mg/kg body weight of dose of clove is found effective to treat hyperglycemia. However, it is concluded that cloves are effective in reducing the risk of hyperglycemia.


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How to Cite

Syeda Warda Sakhawat, & Asghar , A. (2025). Antihyperglycemic effect of clove (Syzyium aromaticum) bud powder and hematological examination of rats. Scientific Reports in Life Sciences, 6(1), 1–16.