
Taxonomic reassessment of the Pliocene pond turtle Melanochely mossoczyi wetterauensis from the Wetterau brown coal mine in Hesse, Germany


  • Karl Hans-Volker Department of Prehistory and Early History, Friedrich Schiller University, Löbdergraben 24a, 07743 Jena, Germany. E-mail: ORCID ID 0000-0003-1924-522X
  • Amtyaz Safi Department of Zoology (Wildlife Section), University of Karachi, 75270, Pakistan. ORCID ID 0000-0002-4484-3224
  • Tichy Gottfried Department of Geography and Geology, Paris Lodron University of Salzburg, Hellbrunnerstrasse 34, 5020, Austria


Germany, Melanochely, Pliocene, Taxonomic reassessment


This article provides an extensive description of Melanochely mossoczyi wetterauensis based on a re-examination of the holotype specimen that overviews the taxonomic characteristics of late Pliocene turtle remains discovered from the Wetterau-Wolfersheim lignite deposit in Hesse, Germany. The original material was taken from the former "Natural Science Collection" in Meiningen (1950-1960) as an example of exchange material and is currently preserved in the "Natural History Museum" Schleußingen, Thuringia, Germany, as the holotype "MSB IB k 314". This fossil has previously been scientifically described as a genus Geoemyda taxa and is reviewed here again for reexamination. This taxon was found to be closely related to the European taxon Melanochely mossoczyi (formerly Geoemyda mossoczyi) and was renamed here, after taxonomic reassessments.


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How to Cite

Hans-Volker , K., Safi, A., & Gottfried , T. . (2024). Taxonomic reassessment of the Pliocene pond turtle Melanochely mossoczyi wetterauensis from the Wetterau brown coal mine in Hesse, Germany. Scientific Reports in Life Sciences, 3(X). Retrieved from



Original Article
