Main structural and functional features of vegetation in the Lesser Antilles: The example of low altitude vegetation of Martinique


  • Philippe Joseph Institute of Biodiversity and Ecology, University of the French West Indies, Martinique
  • Yelji Abati Institute of Biodiversity and Ecology, University of the French West Indies, Martinique
  • Jean-Philippe Claude Institute of Biodiversity and Ecology, University of the French West Indies, Martinique



Lesser Antilles, Martinique, bioclimate, low altitude vegetation, species, phytocenoses, physiognomies, dynamics


The Lesser Antilles are very diverse regarding species and plant units. The latter constitute a dense mosaic presenting surface differences. The contrasting geomorphology, which modifies the structure and dynamics of the climate in covariance with human activities, are the main elements that constitute determining ecological factors. This results in a bioclimatic gradient of which rainfall is the most discriminating parameter initiating vegetation layering from the coast to the mountain peaks. For the study of phytocenotic organization, the anthropized lower level of Martinique is a good example. From transects, it was possible to collect data, making it possible to decipher the main structural and phytocenotic aspects of this bioclimatic stage and to single out stages of temporal evolution.


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How to Cite

Joseph, P., Abati, Y., & Claude, J.-P. (2025). Main structural and functional features of vegetation in the Lesser Antilles: The example of low altitude vegetation of Martinique. Scientific Reports in Life Sciences, 6(1), 17–48.