Karyological studies of three Iranian lizards of the family Gekkonidae from Iran
Chromosome, Gekkonidae, Karyotype, ReptileAbstract
The Gekkonidae is the most diverse and ancient group of reptiles and has a worldwide distribution, it constitutes the largest family of lizards, comprising 110 genera and about 1553 species. The Gekkonidae family is characterized by a rich variety of species, different modes of sex determination and diverse karyotypes. In the present study, three lizard species from Iran (Semnan province) belonging to the family Gekkonidae were Karyotyped using bone marrow technique. Two male specimens of Tenuidactylus caspius caspius from Semnan province in this study showed (2n = 43). The karyotype consists of 43 acrocentric chromosomes. Chromosomes range in size from 3.88 to 1.77µm. It seems that one macroacrocentric may be a sex chromosome in the male species. This count is a new chromosome number report for this subspecies Hemidactylus flavivirdis was diploid (2n =40) with one pair of macro metacentric, one pair of macro submetacentric, one pair of median metacentric and others were acrocentric chromosomes. This is the first chromosome number report for the fauna of Iran. Hemidactylus robustus showed 2n =46 including 23 pairs of acrocentric chromosomes which is reported here for the first time.
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