Temporal Characteristics and Patterns of Sea Surface Temperature and Chlorophyll in the Ligurian Sea (NW Mediterranean)


  • Fethi Bengil Girne American University




Abiotic and Biotic Variation, the Mediterranean Sea, Intra- and Inter-Annual Trends


Global warming is a well-known phenomenon, that increasing average of temperature. ‎Oceans are affected directly from this phenomenon with changing its abiotic and biotic ‎components. The Mediterranean Sea is known as the strongest warming sea in the world, ‎therefore, there is big concern on understanding the pattern in change and adaptation. The ‎Ligurian Sea is known with two main pelagic zones, which have distinctive characteristics ‎than each other. In this study, it is aimed to understand, characterize and describe inter- and ‎intra-annual properties of sea surface temperature and chlorophyll, as key biotic and abiotic ‎factors of marine environments, in the marine regions of the Ligurian Sea. Remotely sensed ‎data-sets of sea surface temperature and chlorophyll concentration between 2013 and 2019 ‎were used for this purpose. Results showed that the regions have significantly different ‎temperature and productivity within year. While high variation in temperature detected in ‎onshore region, productivity was less than twice in offshore region. Inter-annual analysis ‎showed trends showed similar patterns in the regions‎.


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How to Cite

Bengil, F. (2020). Temporal Characteristics and Patterns of Sea Surface Temperature and Chlorophyll in the Ligurian Sea (NW Mediterranean). Scientific Reports in Life Sciences, 1(1), 29–37. https://doi.org/10.22034/sris.2020.137097.1001