Scientific Reports in Life Sciences 2025-03-16T14:57:43+03:00 Assistant prof. Dr Rahim Abdolkarimi (Director in charge)-Editorial office physical address, Open Journal Systems <div class="flex flex-grow flex-col gap-3 max-w-full"> <div class="min-h-[20px] flex flex-col items-start gap-3 whitespace-pre-wrap break-words overflow-x-auto" data-message-author-role="assistant" data-message-id="c2ffc01d-5508-461d-bfee-336da59a60f5"> <div class="markdown prose w-full break-words dark:prose-invert light"> <p><strong>Scientific Reports in Life Sciences</strong> (SRLS), (ISSN: 2718-1014), is a globally recognized, double-blind review, multidisciplinary, quarterly periodical. It encompasses a wide spectrum of subjects <strong>spanning Biology (all organisms), Biodiversity, Evolution and Population Genetics, Genetics, Biological Anthropology, Botany, Medical Sciences, Veterinary Sciences, Biometry, Cytogenetics, Genetic Epidemiology, Molecular ecology, Wildlife ecology, and diverse aspects of Biodiversity conservation</strong>. Established in 2020 by the Biodiversity Conservation Society, SRLS actively encourages and invites contributions in the form of reviews, editorials, original research papers, and brief notes across these mentioned fields. All submissions should be in English and are welcomed from any geographical location. The journal is committed to upholding high standards of excellence in publishing research related to both marine and terrestrial life sciences. We also cover the following fields as well: <strong>Medicine:</strong> Research related to the diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of disease. This can include clinical studies, health outcomes research, and medical innovations.</p> <p><strong>Public Health:</strong> Studies focused on the health of populations, including epidemiology, health policy, education, and preventive measures.</p> <p><strong>Biomedical Sciences:</strong> Research that combines biological and medical sciences to improve understanding of human health and disease, often involving cellular and molecular biology.</p> <p><strong>Pharmacology:</strong> The study of drug action, where researchers develop and assess pharmaceuticals and other therapeutic products.</p> <p><strong>Neuroscience:</strong> The study of the nervous system, including brain functioning, neurodegenerative diseases, and mental health disorders.</p> <p><strong>Nutrition and Dietetics:</strong> Research concerning diet and human health, including the role of nutrition in disease prevention and management.</p> <p><strong>Genomic Medicine:</strong> The application of genomic information and technologies to predict, diagnose, and treat disease.</p> <p><strong>Immunology:</strong> The study of the immune system, including research related to autoimmune diseases, vaccinations, and immune responses.</p> <p><strong>Molecular Medicine:</strong> An interdisciplinary approach that uses physical, chemical, biological, and medical techniques to describe molecular structures and mechanisms, identify molecular and genetic errors of disease, and develop interventions.</p> <p><strong>Regenerative Medicine:</strong> The field of medicine that develops methods to regrow, repair, or replace damaged or diseased cells, organs, or tissues.</p> <p>Since September 2022, SRLS has followed the APA 7th edition for citations and references. It's worth noting that the Conclusion section has been excluded from the manuscript structure.</p> <p>Furthermore, it's important to emphasize that SRLS is a fully open-access journal, and it does not impose any charges, from the initial submission process to the ultimate publication of research work.</p> </div> </div> </div> Unidentified species of Tribe Halyini Genus (Amyot & Serville, 1843) in India with a short note 2024-05-15T20:07:44+03:00 Selvaraj Selvamurugan <p>With an unidentified species of <em>Pentatomidae </em>family from Madurai district, Tamilnadu, India. This is the first report of Superfamily Pentatomoidea (<em>Heteroptera</em>). The <em>Pentatomidae </em>causes many difficulties for systematists, not least of which is that the higher taxonomy is a “morass of poorly defined higher taxa, particularly the tribes”. In this species, a new distribution is recorded in this area.</p> 2025-03-02T00:00:00+03:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Assessing Nigeria's Efforts in Biodiversity Conservation 2024-11-05T19:19:19+03:00 Justice William <p>This paper titled, ‘Assessing Nigeria's Efforts in Biodiversity Conservation’, categorically reviews the initiatives of Nigeria in conserving its biodiversity over the past years. This paper aims to examine the conservation strategies, policies, and frameworks that have been instituted towards the conservation of biodiversity in the country to determine their effectiveness in achieving conservation objectives and also proffer feasible recommendations for enhancing these conservation efforts. To achieve the aim of this research, the study adopted the desk research design. Thus, using secondary data, the paper explores biodiversity conservation in Nigeria in all its dimensions. To that extent, it reviewed existing research works and other secondary data sources such as news reports, government releases, journals, and academic books to reveal that even though biodiversity conservation in Nigeria is a tremendous success, it is still being significantly impacted by some challenges. These conservation challenges highlighted within the study include environmental, socioeconomic, institutional, and even political obstacles. Therefore, the study recommends that to address these difficulties and enhance the biodiversity conservation efforts and outcomes within Nigeria, greater community participation in conservation initiatives should be encouraged, sustainable funding for conservation should be ensured and the capacity of Nigeria’s institutional frameworks should be strengthened.</p> 2025-03-02T00:00:00+03:00 Copyright (c) 2025 Scientific Reports in Life Sciences Antihyperglycemic effect of clove (Syzyium aromaticum) bud powder and hematological examination of rats 2024-11-05T22:48:54+03:00 Syeda Warda Sakhawat Ali Asghar <p>The modification in lifestyle and dietary patterns can cause chronic health disorders like hyperglycemia, hypercholesterolemia, cardiovascular disease, aging, mental health, and cancer. Hence, the focus of this research is to treat hyperglycemia with the use of clove in diet. An empirical approach is adopted to figure out the effectiveness of clove on serum chemistry and hematology of blood. 4 groups of diabetic mice (4 mice in each group) were supplemented clove (20mg/kg, 40mg/kg, and 60mg/kg body weight respectively) with diet for 21 days. The blood Glucose and hematology were measured on day 1 and day 21. It is found that the dietary supplementation with clove (Moisture content 9.9±1%, Crude Protein 6.69±1%, Crude Fat 16.64±0.1%, Ash 2.9±1 and NFE 42.13±1) significantly reduced the risk of hyperglycemia in mice and 40 mg/kg body weight of dose of clove is found effective to treat hyperglycemia. However, it is concluded that cloves are effective in reducing the risk of hyperglycemia.</p> 2025-03-02T00:00:00+03:00 Copyright (c) 2025 Scientific Reports in Life Sciences Main structural and functional features of vegetation in the Lesser Antilles: The example of low altitude vegetation of Martinique 2024-06-25T18:14:40+03:00 Philippe Joseph Yelji Abati Jean-Philippe Claude <p>The Lesser Antilles are very diverse regarding species and plant units. The latter constitute a dense mosaic presenting surface differences. The contrasting geomorphology, which modifies the structure and dynamics of the climate in covariance with human activities, are the main elements that constitute determining ecological factors. This results in a bioclimatic gradient of which rainfall is the most discriminating parameter initiating vegetation layering from the coast to the mountain peaks. For the study of phytocenotic organization, the anthropized lower level of Martinique is a good example. From transects, it was possible to collect data, making it possible to decipher the main structural and phytocenotic aspects of this bioclimatic stage and to single out stages of temporal evolution.</p> 2025-03-02T00:00:00+03:00 Copyright (c) 2022 Scientific Reports in Life Sciences A look at the composition, processing and non-medicinal value of the medicinal plant of Mountain celery 2024-12-29T14:55:42+03:00 Ali Rahimi Mohammad Reza Chakeral Hosseini Yusef Askari <p><em>Kelussia odoratissma</em> plant is a valuable plant native to Iran, especially the Zagros region. At present, the natural habitats of this species are limited to areas in Isfahan, Chaharmahal-Bakhtiari, Kohgiluyeh-Boyerahmad, and Lorestan provinces, where It grows in Isfahan province in the mountains of Shahan, Fardan, and also in the area Pashtkoh, Mogoi, Tara, Klose, Kahgan Sofli and Alia and Sebestan Valley area, which are considered as the most important habitats of this species in the country. In addition to being used in traditional medicine, a unique plant has a lot of non-medicinal value, including use in the food industry, fodder, economic income, and ecotourism of the region. Therefore, plant processing in the form of drying, packing, powdering, and extracting its extract and essential oil is common among Iranian people. Of course, considering the high importance of mountain celery and its introduction to the World Food Organization and the World Health Organization, it can play an important role in the lives of people worldwide. Therefore, this review tries to take a look at the composition, processing, and non-medicinal value of the medicinal plant Mountain cele.</p> 2025-03-02T00:00:00+03:00 Copyright (c) 2025 Scientific Reports in Life Sciences Taxonomic reassessment of the Pliocene pond turtle Melanochely mossoczyi wetterauensis from the Wetterau brown coal mine in Hesse, Germany 2024-07-02T10:35:13+03:00 Karl Hans-Volker Amtyaz Safi Tichy Gottfried <p>An overview description of the taxonomical feature of the Upper Pliocene turtle’s remains from the Wölfersheim brown coal deposit in the Wetterau, Hesse, Germany is given here. The original material came from the former “Natural Science Collections” in Meiningen (1950- 1960) as an exchange sample and is now preserved as a holotype “MSB IB k 314” in the “Museum of Natural History” Schleußingen, Thuringia, Germany. The material was scientifically described previously as a member of the genus <em>Geoemyda </em>and is reviewed again here. This taxon is reassessed and re-identified as being in close relationship with the European taxon of <em>Melanochely mossoczyi </em>(Previously referred to as <em>Geoemyda mossoczyi)</em>.</p> 2025-03-02T00:00:00+03:00 Copyright (c) 2022 Scientific Reports in Life Sciences